Focusing on our clients, we gather the best experts in each field and manage the project following a multidisciplinary team approach.

Mystery Shopper

A service that provides a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the service provided by private companies, franchises, State administrations and quasi-public corporations based on direct observation.

Analysis of applied policies

Assessment of the direct and indirect impact of State, regional and local policies on society in order to evaluate their effectiveness and correct any aspects that may have a negative repercussion on the population.

Strategic consultancy

Diagnosis of the organization and review of professional profiles to attain organizational success. Assessment of the degree of employee satisfaction and working environment.
Maximization of skills.

Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis

By combining different research methodologies (onsite, online and over the phone) and using cutting-edge technologies and a human team made up of experts on market research, marketing and statistics, we measure and analyze the market and make suggestions based on our findings.

Observation of participants

Researchers join a group of participants for a long period of time to assess their behaviour. Integration into the group enables researchers to actively engage with participants in their corporate culture and to learn about their activities and procedures.

Over 1000 experts all over the world


Present in over 100 countries


300 annual projects on average


Corporate headquarters and
collaborative offices